Interview with Chuck Garric and Calico Cooper/Beastö Blancö

Hello Calico, hello Chuck! 

Thank you for your Time! It´s an honour to talk to you.


Chuck, tell me about the founding of Beastö Blancö and the band members!

Beasto Blanco was born out of the idea of wanting to create a Rock n Roll band! The concept musically and theatrically for Beasto Blanco happened naturally between myself, Chris, Calico, Jan and Tim. We had ideas and we put them out there to each other. The music, the show, the theatrics is a product of us – being us together. 

(to Chuck) Please describe your sound in one sentence.

Sonically energetic and theatrically entertaining.

(to Chuck) You are the bass player in the Alice Cooper Band. You also played the bass with DIO and the L.A. Guns. At Beastö Blancö you are the singer and the guitarist. Isn´t it a whole new world for you?

Complete new world. I’ve been a bass player my whole career, but as a song writer I play guitar to write so I was familiar with the instrument.When the idea was presented for me to play guitar in Beasto Blanco it was at first very intimidating to me, I’ve never really played guitar live. But it would free me up a bit I could lay out in the verses live and focus on singing or take the guitar off and just sing. Its still a learning process but I love it. I am learning more about guitar tones and technique. Its really opened a whole new world musically now for me, plus Jan is a killer bass player so theres no lack of solid low end.

 (to Calico) Calico you are the Daughter of Alice Cooper. You are part of his stage shows, you are acting in movies and working as a model. Now you sing with Chuck in the Band. How did it happen?

Wow I sound busy! Haha. I guess I am. I joined up with Chuck and his idea for Beasto Blanco five years ago. We found our rhythm and characters kinda as we went along the journey. Chuck had an idea of what he wanted, a general feeling and message to the music. Once the five of us got on stage together for the first time, sparks flew and the band that would become Beasto Blanco began to take shape. Every show, every song informed us a little more of where it was going, and when we hit our groove it was really something unique and powerful. The cool thing is we keep evolving. Going deeper and louder and and in my case darker than before and people are really loving it. I like to use the phrase „steel sharpens steel“ as a way to describe how we make each other better performers and musicians. 

(to Calico) I am very impressed by your version of your dad´s song: „Feed my Frankenstein“. It seems to be written for your band and your voices! 

Thank you so much! Chuck had the idea to cover the song, and I had my reservations. I was worried people would not respond well to me covering one of my dad’s tunes. But the band knew if it was gonna be a success we had to take it in a very different direction musically. Chuck and Brother Latham creatively put in a very „Beasto“ backbone into the guitar parts. It took on a metal western feel that I just loved. Then we decided that I would actually SING the verses in a softer lounge type voice,  and it really came together. I sort of found that new voice in the process of recording it. 

(to Chuck) Who had the idea to cover Motörheads „Born to raise Hell“?

I’ve always been a long time Motorhead fan. I have the honor of calling them my friends, we’ve done several tours together. To me they’re one of the best Rock n Roll bands on the planet! Their sound, their lifestyle, their lyrics, their image, their name defines Rock n Roll. So why not pay tribute to the best. R.I.P Lemmy.

(to Chuck) The new songs like „Grind“, „Death Rattle“ or „Dark Matter“ sounds killer. Tell me about your songwriting!?¬リᅠ️?

Three songs that are very different from each other. 

Grind was a song that came to us first as lyrics and a melody. „I may not been born with a crown on my head but mom gave me muscles and knuckles instead“. Puts the listener in the drivers seat of what its like to be Beasto Blanco and tap into the  lifestyle. „Grind“ the credo of working hard no matter what you were born into or what cards life deals you. Rise and Grind be the King or Queen of your world.

Death Rattle was a song that was written by L. Garric she had the melody and lyrics done. This was one of the first songs we wrote for the new record. Its the seeming end of a relationship – but fighting to keep it together no matter what has been said or done. I was very happy with the tempo departure from the last record and this song set the pace for other songs like Damnation. The over all swampy vibe of that Death Rattle is turning into a fan favorite theres a lot we can do with that song live. 

Dark Matter is my favorite songs on the record believe it or not it was written on Acoustic guitar. L. Garric and my self fine tuned this song into dark orchestral piece. We started off by having the chorus idea. Lindsay really set the mood with what I think are just beautifully written lyrics. The songs talks about the darkness of losing someone to a heroin overdose then turns into more about WHY drug use starts. As we started to focus on other ideas like being bullied or having thoughts of suicide. We found the double meaning and tuned what could be a dark message into light. This song asked the listener to decide the meanings.

(to Chuck) Are there plans for a tour??

YES. We have tour dates booked for Europe in Dec 2017 

08.12.2017  Amperage / Grenoble / France

09.12.2017  Rathaussaal / Telfs / Austria

10.12.2017  Bluesiana / Velden am Wörthersee / Austria

11.12.2017  Rock Cafe / Bratislava / Slovakia

12.12.2017  Rock Klub Nova Chmelnice / Prague / Check Republik 

13.12.2017  7er Live Club / Mannheim / Germany

14.12.2017  Hall of Fame / Wetzikon / Switzerland

18.12.2017  Bannerman’s / Edinburgh / Scotland

21.12.2017  Bryggarsalen / Stockholm / Sweden

22.12.2017  Hard Rock Cafe / Olso / Stockholm

The last questions are for both, for Calico and Chuck!

Are there any musicians you ever want to work with? 

CALICO – I would have Beasto collab with a band like Halestorm. I would love to work with them as they are stellar musicians and cool as hell people. But on the flip side I’d love to do something totally unexpected and do something with Jay-Z or Kenny G. Really rattle some cages. Hahaha.

CHUCK – I love the idea of working with Halestorm. Lzzy has incredible voice over all great band. Trent Reznor or Josh Homme are on my bucket list. I’m a huge fan of both their work. I would love to hear where they would take our song writing. Josh is a master in the studio, his use of effects and how he uses the console, pre amps and mic’s as another band member is genius. He very much an artist in the studio it would be incredible to work with him. Trent Renzors arrangements and visual concept are on another level. I would love to hear what he could do with some of the new material for the 3rd record, just putting it out there ;).

 Have you ever embarrassed yourself on stage? (Like falling or broken clothes,etc)

CALICO – I mean of course. I think I do something embarrassing and or life threatening at least once per show. I burst out laughing on stage to a crowd of 20,000 people once with Beasto because chuck looked at me a certain way in this luchador wrestling mask, and I got the giggles for 2 songs straight. I could not stop. To save my life. I’ve slipped,fell,hit myself in the head with my spiked bat. You name it.  But My dad taught me there are no mistakes. Just entertaining accidents. If you fall, keep falling. It becomes your thing. Just keep doing it the rest of the show.

CHUCK – Im here to mess with Calico during the set. 

And now the opposite: What was your most beautiful feeling on stage? 

CALICO – With both Alice and Beasto there have been so many. But he last one I remember was with Beasto.we were playing the song „breakdown“ to a sold out arena, the crowd was going crazy, the energy was amazing and I turned around and looked at all of the guys in the band and EVERYONE was drenched in sweat and smiling from ear to ear. I felt so charged up with love for these dudes, and power and energy, and I turned back to the crowd and threw both my hands in the air and everyone in that huge crowd cheered at the top of their lungs as we bowed. I think I could have died right then and been cool with it.

CHUCK – I concur.

My last question: Are there any words you want to tell us? 

CALICO – I love the word „judicious“. I can’t stop using it. Like I’ve been trying to put it in every sentence for the  last few days. Example: „I am not very judicious about my wine intake which is why I have so many good stories.“ ? CHUCK -Thanks for all your support we’ll keep playing Loud you keep rock n Hard. 

Thank you both from the bottom of my heart for this great interview. Rock on! 

Interview was made by: Tobias Vogel